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DIN 4102: Part 1: 1998

Manufacturer of GRP/FRP of Enclosures and Kiosks in UAE

What is the standard?

Our glass reinforced polyester laminate, which is the primary material across our product range, is type tested to be fire retardant adhering to the DIN specifications 4102: Part 1: 1998, Section 6.2 - Building materials of Class B2. The standard is a method of test for determination of the flammability characteristics of specimens of a building material when they are tested in the vertical position.

How is it tested?

The test takes place inside a test chamber where the test specimen is mounted vertically. The test specimen is subjected to edge and/or surface exposure from a gas flame. During the test, time of ignition, burning droplets and whether the flames reach the top marking of the test specimen within a prescribed time period, is registered.

Where is it tested?

Our laminate is type tested at the renowned international testing laboratory Exova Warrington to certify our products for being fire retardant; applicable to the supply to European countries. DIN, Deutsches Institut für Normung (in English, the German Institute for Standardization), is the German national organization for standardization and is the German ISO member body. DIN is a German Registered Association headquartered in Berlin with approximately thirty thousand DIN Standards, covering nearly every field of technology.

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