Our QMS is managed through our Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software custom designed for the composite industry. Our ERP System is a motivation and implication of our top management to institute paperless operations and instantaneous transfer of information between departments. The ERP Systems implements our quality management principles including a process approach, checks and balances at every stage of every operation - administrative or production, and a strong customer focus. Corrective and preventive actions must be documented to ensure continuous improvement and traceability.
The Quality Management System is communicated and training is provided to all relevant personnel with continual monitoring and review. Internal audits are conducted periodically and an independent certification body is invited to verify conformity to the standard.
We are committed to contributing to sustainable developments and are conducive to such developments within areas where we are in a position to make an impact. We employ management systems and procedures specifically designed to prevent activities and /or conditions that pose a threat to the environment. Our serious attempt is to prevent releases to the atmosphere, land or water and minimize the amount and toxicity of waste generated by safe treatment and disposal of waste.
To safeguard for safe handling of chemicals and waste handling, we contract the Bee’ah Sharjah Environment Company LLC in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates; where our manufacturing facilities are located. We also engage in providing a more green workplace for our employees by plantation of trees and having landscaped areas. To continuously reduce our carbon footprint, we are investing in clean and renewable energy sources such as solar to power our facilities. Being a manufacturer in composites, we recognize we have a responsibility to the environment and must take steps to mitigate our impact.
At the top of our list and our highest priority, is the health and safety of our people. We identify our success and our company as the sum of the people in our production workforce and our staff across the world. Occupational hazards and accidents are prevented by employing safe technologies, operating procedures and emergency systems.
Periodic training exercises are conducted across the company to prepare ourselves in the case of emergency situations. In the scenario of a fire, an automated sprinkler system is installed to safeguard; which is audited annually by the local fire authority.Requisite safety gear such eyewear, helmets, safety shoes, gloves etc. are provided and replenished every quarter to always have them available in good condition. The most effective safeguard is a safety culture across the company administered by leadership training and weekly inspections by top management.